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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Holly Jolly

So I have just been getting ready for christmas, Had a little get together with 2 of my favorite girls last night that was much needed. Between us 2 we have 5 kids and well when that many kids get together someone is bound to get hurt and of course Jordin "My Son" was the one he usually is and the first thing out of his mouth is I dont wanna go to the hospital =( Haha I guess that is what he is used to happening when he see's blood and so am I I fully anticipated a ER visit. But Nope not this time, His lip has a nice hole and is swollen and very bruised but no stiches this time. LOL I recently found out that My grandma Kellogg passed away. That is y mom's mom. I wasent all that close to her she lives in California along with the rest of my mom's side of the family. It was sad becouse she is my family but I delt with it ok. I have tried to get in contact with my mom well that was impossible. my mom is MIA as usual. I don't understand how someone can give birth to 4 kids and just disapear when ever they want. I think maybe her being such a piece of shit mother has hepled me become a better mother. Ya knwo with the holiday season and all yo would think you would want to talk to your family. Anywho back to better things in life, Kyle and I took jordin to see santa on saturday and he had lots of fun playin with the kids and seeing santa and trying all the goodies. It's nice after not bein with someone for 3 yrs spending all this quality time and holidays with someone and making memories. It means so much. Kyle and I have been together for about 6 months now and he is wonderful. I think we are getting to the point of realizing what annoys each other and even through all of that I have never loved someone the way I love hom. He continues to amaze me. He is exactly what I have been waiting for. I love life right now. I am sooo excited for my future and all of the memories that are to come =)

Until next time...


1 comment:

  1. Jordin and his war wounds... Gotta love having boys!
    I just want to say that I am so happy for you and Jordi. Kyle was well worth the wait! Thank you for having the kids and I over on Saturday. We had a good time, next time we will do my house, I will make a huge dinner and of course have yummy coffee ready for you.
    Love you!
    P.S I really want to do the whole xmas party again this year at my house same group as last year and maybe the boys too. We can do Nachos and wine again. This time I would like to do a theme... A holiday sweater/sweatshirt theme.
    Let me know what you think?
