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Monday, December 6, 2010

Complete Ramble

So it has been forever! I'm a stay home mom for the time being... Not usual for me, I'm more go go go. I did work the Victorian Christmas at the Fair ground this last week and it was long 12 hour day on my feet but worth it and being around people all day was wonderful. My boyfriend Kyle and I are closing on our house on December 23rd YAY we have been trying ti get this house for like 8 months so we are super excited and what better Christmas present could you get than a NEW HOUSE?!?!?!?! Jordin Thinks we should put a bow on the door for him LOL 8 year old are so cute. Taking in every moment with him has been very important for me lately, He is growing too fast and everyday i see him become more of a man and not a boy. Just about every thing about him is different Personality, style, the way he communicates. I'm going to see my nanny today not that she actually remember me but she is really not well she just had a stroke and is now in a home :( I remember being my son's age driving her nuts. Life really happens too fast hold on to every moment!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Glad to see you back in the blog world... I am trying to get back on it too. Love you miss you!
