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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Beautiful Life

What a beautiful Life this is! This year had already been amazing to me... and it's only February imagine that?!?!? Well let's just say things don't usually go my way and life is alway pretty tough on me but I must say that if you work hard for what you want out of this life you will get it maybe slowly but it will come eventually. I believe that taking the alcohol out of my life has probably been one of the hardest and most rewarding things for me. So ok ok now on the the amazing story, Are ya ready? ok here goes

when I was a little girl I had a sister that was sadly adopted out when she was about 18 months-2 yrs old I believe. I remember thinking when I was little that she got to be adopted and got to be some kind of princess and well frankly I was a little jealous ( i wanted to go and be a princess too). Hahaha So over the years I have googled her name and sent messages to random people on my space and even a few on face book. But all I knew was her first name( Kyra)  and date of birth... well with lots of messages back and no luck I honesty never thought I was gonna find her.

until about 2 weeks ago I got a message from my mom that I checked at about 6am that said she thought some one named Kyra Elder was looking for her on So I instantly go on there and pay the $50 bucks to try and get info about this Kyra Elder but it really didn't give me anything I did send her a messgae from that site though and I noticed that when it sent it went to a Kyra Banks. So with NO waiting around I hit Facebook and look for a Kyra Elder and I didn't find what I thought I was looking for noone matched the age  , So I look for a Kyra Banks and I find one with the same birthday so I send her a message that said

This may sound crazy but have you ever gone by Kyra elder? I'm looking for my sister that was adopted out when we were really young sorry if it's not you but if it is please contact me asap

My mom's name is marti if this helps

Thank you 



So as you can imagine I was so anxious thinking this could be her and about an hour later I get this

YES its Me!!! :).....My mothers name is Marti.....Ive been looking everywhere for her, roy washington..laguna beach..omg....My *******...but I can only text...but im near a freinds phone if u can call... *******I Love You!

 Of course I called right then and I was freaking out and crying it was the moment I had been waiting for after 20 years I found my baby sister! Kyra is and amazing person and so sweet, smart and beautiful. Come ot find out this whoel time she has been in Washington! So both my brothers and I went the following weekend and got ot spend the whole day with her.

I honestly feel as though a huge part of my life is complete  I am looking forward to sooo much more in 2011!!!
Please enjoy The pictures from our very special day :)


  1. I love this story Candice and couldn't wait to hear all about it again. I am so happy for you and your brothers. Guess what? YOU ARE A PRINCESS! *wink* I love you, kool kid!

  2. wow, what a wonderful story! I hope you know now that you are a princess?? Can't wait to hear more about you and your sis :)

  3. You and Kyra look like twins (gorgeous ones!) I am so glad the search is over for you and for Kyra who I have loved since she was about 5. Congratulations. I read this story with great JOY. Lynn in Seattle

  4. That's what i was looking for. I will definitely share it with others
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