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Monday, December 20, 2010

Jibber Jabber

Just thought I would check in today on my Blog. Yesterday was my Nanny's funeral RIP Georgia Adams! Very sad and what a hard time of year to be handling death, She has been the glue to our family. I also have a ton of packing to get done and all week with out my son to get it done (as you can see I'm doing this instead and am not very motivated) ;) I just really am having a hard time getting in the mood but time is running out and I need to get my rear in gear! Well in that case I'm not sure I''l be back on here until after Christmas so HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Merry Christmas to us!

We close on our house December 23rd! How exciting :)

and this is it! I can't wait to make this house a home with my wonderful guys!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Wake up call

So this morning I wake up to a call from my neighbor, She needs me to watch Konner her grandson (the beautiful baby above!) he is 2 1/2 months old! I love watching him and it's never a problem. But when she tells me why I can't help but get PISSED! His mom an 18 yr old decides to just leave in the middle of the night and not tell anyone this is now the 2nd time this has happened! Her phone is off and she hasn't even called. Who the hell does that??? I had my son at 17 and that would never cross my mind!!! He is an amazing baby very good and has the kindest eyes and brightest smile! All I know is I have a few choice words for her I have given her the benefit until now. She is gonna miss out on so many amazing things with him. HE IS ONLY A BABY ONCE! I love him to pieces and I can only PRAY that she will pull her head out of her ass sooner than later people around here are really starting to talk and well it's not good.  He deserves a fair chance at life. I mean seriously look at that face <3 How could you not fall in love with him?!?!

Love you baby Konner!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Dearest Nanny!

So about 2 weeks ago my Nanny that is 89 years old had a stroke. Then went into a home on Monday I went and had a GREAT day with her I actually got some laughs out of her and some conversation. I also got to help feed her. I was a good day well then on Tuesday she had another stroke and is now in the hospital again I'm not sure that she is strong enough to pull out of this :( I've been praying for her comfort, strength and health but I don't want her to suffer! I was planning on spending the day in the hospital with her today but after getting NO sleep last night I did a lot of thinking and I came to the conclusion that if she is going I don't want my last memory of her in the hospital in pain. I want to keep that last good memory of her. IS THAT WRONG??? If she does end up going back to the home I will go see her but I don't know how emotionally stable I would be at the Hospital.

I have so many memory with her as a child just my son's age, she was so much fun and always a pleasure to be around don't get me wrong when we where bad (she watched 4 of us grandkids) she has a nice switch tree waiting for our little tooshie's... It's funny that now that seems to be a good memory LOL Georgia Adams is an amazingly strong lady and has alway kept our family together.This may be a rough holiday season but I'm hoping we can get 1 more Christmas out of her.

I thought I'd add a nice picture of my nanny and my son Jordin

Happy Holidays to all!


Monday, December 6, 2010


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Complete Ramble

So it has been forever! I'm a stay home mom for the time being... Not usual for me, I'm more go go go. I did work the Victorian Christmas at the Fair ground this last week and it was long 12 hour day on my feet but worth it and being around people all day was wonderful. My boyfriend Kyle and I are closing on our house on December 23rd YAY we have been trying ti get this house for like 8 months so we are super excited and what better Christmas present could you get than a NEW HOUSE?!?!?!?! Jordin Thinks we should put a bow on the door for him LOL 8 year old are so cute. Taking in every moment with him has been very important for me lately, He is growing too fast and everyday i see him become more of a man and not a boy. Just about every thing about him is different Personality, style, the way he communicates. I'm going to see my nanny today not that she actually remember me but she is really not well she just had a stroke and is now in a home :( I remember being my son's age driving her nuts. Life really happens too fast hold on to every moment!!!