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Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Soo I must say the older my son gets the wierder life gets, first he wants to grow out his hair then last night he aske me for skinny jeans for christmas??? WTF Really??? UGGHHH Please tell me this is a faze... So also the older he gets the older I feel. I have arthritis in both my knees and my body aches all the time. WHHHYYY WHHHYYY My son is 7 I cant be falling apart yet right? So I think I had an apifany today I think maybe we have it all wrong we think we need to waste all of our enery while were young because were only young once right? Well I think maybe we should save some of this energy and craziness for old age afterall we are goin to retire one day and will need things to do and energy to do it =) I started this whole Blogging thing quite some time ago and havent really used it much but Now that I seem to be more of a home body I think I can find time to tell everyone a few of things that goin on in my crazy head ;) will update again soon maybe tonight Ha

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I am so glad you are starting to do a blog... I try to do mine more often now too.
    So we still on for tomorrow and the Holiday Parade?
