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Wednesday, December 16, 2009


So today I get to stay home and hang out with my little guy. He woke up this morning with the rosiest cheeks and as cute as it was I was afraid he had a temp. and yes he did 101.9 Poor little man =( So my brother decides this time of year to take a vaca to hawaii, what a lucky guy huh? It's snomwing,rainy and cold here and he has his feet in the water and ass in the sand were here frezing but I did agree to watch his dog, he has a chiuaua names Duke he is histerical. What an awesome personality for a dog. Well anyway Jordin's friend came over last night and Duke freaked out i think he thought he was trying to protect Jordin he was barking and trying to jump right outta my arms I have never seen him act like that before. He loves jordin he freaks out as soon as he even walks into the room (maybe we should adopt him?) LOL I'm not even aloud to have dogs here so while I have him for a week I'm also trying to do it so that no one nows... good luck to me! Another thing I have not drank since Halloween it has been fine I'm doing it more to support Kyle and I am completly ok with it but man the taste of a Budlight sounds Fantastic. Hahaha I have to say waking up next to him is the best start to a day and going to bed with him is the best end to a day. He still continue's to amaze me. I have honestly found my prince charming whether we are at home doing nothing or out and about we always have a great time, when I'm not having the best day he always seems to find a way to put the smile back on my face. Don't get me wrong everyone can be a pain in the ass at one time or another but even then I I never second guess our relationship. I will marry that man some day =) Any who for some more randomniss If you didn't already know I pretty much cant stand my job these days and hopefully sooner than later will be moving in a different direction.

Happy Holiday's Everyone =) Much Love



  1. Wow that was a bunch of info all wrapped into one. I love it... I tend to ramble a lot on my blog too. But that is what they are here for right? Well sugar I am so proud of you and Kyle for your non-drinking since Halloween... but maybe one of these nights I can sneak you a budlight/coors light... Can't wait for our New Year's party... I am sending out invites today!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I totally wrote something weird that didnt make sense because I have issues..

    this is what I meant to say

    So glad you found a sweet guy to take care of you!!!
